Curing Chronic Pain

Saturday, November 17, 9:30 AM 

Krotona Hall


Acupuncturists, please note: We have been approved as Continuing Education Provider #1526 by the California Acupuncture Board. This lecture is one of 12 approved for 1 hour of Category 1 credit.

“Curing Chronic Pain”

James D. Adams, PhD

Pain is currently being treated with toxic oral and injected drugs. Opioids kill over 60,000 patients yearly. NSAIDs are estimated to kill 50,000 patients yearly. Safer pain medicines must be developed. Herbal medicines teach us how to properly treat pain even severe pain and cure chronic pain.

Dr. James Adams, PhD, is the co-author — with the late Chumash healer Cecilia Garcia — of the groundbreaking book, Healing with Medicinal Plants of the West: Cultural and Scientific Basis for Their Use. The book and Dr. Adams’ other books will be available for purchase and signing at the Symposium.

As an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the prestigious University of Southern California, Dr. Adams has been teaching pharmacy students, medical students, doctors and other healthcare professionals for over 25 years while researching the natural pharmaceutical compounds in native plants. He has over 200 publications. He was recently featured in a beautifully illustrated cover story in the School of Pharmacy’s magazine, Results. Here is a link to an online edition of the magazine. Advance to page 14 for the article “The Healing Power of Plants” as seen here on the right side of this page. You may have to do a quick, free signup for the online viewing service.

Running parallel with his academic career, Dr. Adams has worked with the Chumash people since 1998 and studied Chumash healing with Cecilia Garcia for almost 15 years. In addition to their book, they wrote 30 journal articles together. Jim is now the carrier of the healing knowledge passed to him by his teacher. “Humans have used plant medicines ever since humans came into existence, about 200,000 years ago,” Dr. Adams explains in the book. “That means that our ancestors experienced an intense natural selection. Those who responded to plant medicines survived and passed their genes on. We are the products of this natural selection. Our bodies are designed to respond to plant medicines.”


You can read more about Dr. Adams,his books and appearances at his website, Abedus Press.

Contact Us

Lanny Kaufer

Phone: 805-646-6281



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