Nathan Kaehler, DACM, LAc, Tibetan Amchi, MA Psychology, has practiced custom Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture for 18 years at his clinic, Ojai Herbs & Acupuncture. With 550 herbs onsite he has a wide-ranging general practice along with specialties in treating psycho-emotional challenges and skin conditions. He holds the DACM (Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and after 7 years study in Tibetan medicine will complete the Tibetan Katchupa Degree in 2020.
In addition to work in his own clinic, Nathan has experience administering herbs in a long-term care facility, a drug treatment center, and in teaching herbs to Chinese Medicine students. Having a lifelong mystical relationship with plants and gardening, Nathan has a passion to encourage understanding of the precious guidance our bodies provide in our mental, emotional and spiritual healing.