Acupuncturists, please note: We have been approved as Continuing Education Provider #1526 by the California Acupuncture Board. This lecture is one of 12 approved for 1 hour of Category 1 credit.
Nathan Kaehler, DACM, LAc, Tibetan Amchi, MA-Psychology
Herbs can play a strong supportive role in treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other common mental health challenges, and many area residents have experienced these in the wake of last year’s Thomas Fire and now the Woolsey and Hill Fires of 2018. Emotional trauma is frequently an unrecognized aspect of physical problems, and herbs can often gently aid with healing. For example, randomized clinical trials in China and Japan have demonstrated effectiveness in treating PTSD with Chinese herb formulas following natural disasters, and pharmacological studies have identified pathways of action. This presentation will briefly overview this information, note a few psychoactive herbs that thrive in Ojai, and discuss how herbs (in the Chinese and Tibetan views of mind) support our path to becoming more balanced, calm and compassionate beings.
Nathan Kaehler, DACM, LAc, Tibetan Amchi, MA Psychology, has practiced custom Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture for 17 years at his clinic, Ojai Herbs & Acupuncture. With 550 herbs onsite he has a wide-ranging general practice along with specialties in treating psycho-emotional challenges and skin conditions. He holds the DACM (Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and after 6 years study in Tibetan medicine will complete the Tibetan Katchupa Degree in 2019.
In addition to work in his own clinic, Nathan has experience administering herbs in a long-term care facility, a drug treatment center, and in teaching herbs to Chinese Medicine students. Having a lifelong mystical relationship with plants and gardening, Nathan has a passion to encourage understanding of the precious guidance our bodies provide in our mental, emotional and spiritual healing.