David Crow

David Crow, L.Ac., is a renowned plant medicine pioneer, acupuncturist, Ayurvedic practitioner, and aromatherapy expert. He graduated from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1984. He is a California state licensed acupuncturist and nationally certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. David has been a clinician, consultant, researcher and educator for over 30 years. As an educator he has taught extensively for over two decades in the US and Canada, and online internationally; over 6,000 students have attended his online courses in the last four years. He has travelled extensively to study traditional medicinal systems, including spending several years in Nepal and India studying Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine. He is the author of four books, including Plants That HealIn Search of the Medicine Buddha, about his time with traditional doctors in the Himalayas, and Sacred Smoke, about his ethnobotanical research in Ecuador. Along with his wife Sara Crow he is the founder and owner of Floracopeia, Inc., a company devoted to supporting sustainable ecological agriculture through the production of essential oils.

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Licensed Acupuncturist, Floracopeia
  • Company
  1. Donna DeLauro

    Hi, does Mr. Crow do in person consultations? If so, where is he located in California and is there a time when he will be in New York?

    1. herbal18

      Hi Donna. Yes, David does personal consultations. He is located on the Central California coast. I don’t know his travel plans but I will send you his contact info in an email from lanny@ojaiherbal.org.

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